Tongue Tie


Tongue-tie or ankyloglossia is a condition that affects the lingual frenum, the tissue on the bottom of the tongue that connects it to the floor of the mouth. If it’s too short, this impairs the tongue’s range of motion.

Tongue ties can present differently, depending on the individual. Children can experience pain when they speak or their incisors may tilt or separate.


Lip tie is a condition that restricts upper lip movements because the tissue joining the upper gums to the lip is too tight.

A frenum guides the development of mouth structures and doesn't interfere with tongue movements. But this isn’t the case for children with tongue-tie or lip-tie. They can experience nursing and feeding difficulties, as well as speech problems. Left untreated, this can continue into adulthood and cause more health issues.

Treating Tongue Tie and Lip Tie at the Dental Office

Dr. Wing diagnoses tongue tie and lip tie in children and performs surgery to treat these conditions.

A tongue tie and lip tie release are simple procedures and can even be performed on infants. The earlier the diagnosis and treatment, the higher chance the procedure will work effectively.

It’s important to note that treatment results aren’t always immediate. Your child may need time to adjust to moving their tongue and lip without restrictions. Infants likely adjust faster, while toddlers and older children may still require therapy.

Dr. Wing can help correct tongue thrusting and daytime mouth breathing in children.

Wing Dental provides OMT and orthodontics for children. We work closely with parents, and specialists when necessary, to give children the best care possible. Our goal is to achieve long-term success when treating cases.

If your child is experiencing any of these oral issues, we recommend booking an initial consultation with Dr. Wing. Call us today.

A baby with tongue tie

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